Participation Guidelines

Week 1: Introductions

Write a blog post introducing yourself and your goals for this course. Reflect on your initial thoughts and expectations.

Blog Post:

About Me

My name is Daniel Monbrod. (Phonetic Pronunciation: Dan-yuhl Mon-brahd)

I am currently the Manager of a Beggars Pizza location, but my background includes hands-on experience in cybersecurity, compliance, and IT problem-solving.

Professional Experience

I recently worked as a Security Compliance Analyst Intern at iManage, where I implemented security compliance programs, conducted risk assessments, and collaborated with cross-functional teams to improve security practices. In my current role as Manager, I have developed leadership, organizational, and team-building skills while maintaining operational excellence.

Hobbies and Interests

I have a passion for astronomy and enjoy photographing celestial objects with my telescope. Philosophy is another major interest, particularly exploring ethical questions and reflecting on the nature of existence. Fitness, specifically calisthenics, is also a part of my daily routine. Additionally, I love experimenting with music theory and audio acoustics in my free time.

Academic Pursuits

I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity, expected to graduate in May 2025. My primary motivation is to create secure systems that protect individuals and organizations while exploring the ethical implications of digital advancements.

Future Goals

In the future, I aspire to work as a cybersecurity professional specializing in ethical hacking and cybercrime prevention. I also hope to contribute to discussions about international cybersecurity through ideas like a global cyber constitution. Beyond my career goals, I aim to continue exploring my passions for astronomy, philosophy, and music.

Week 3: Algorithmic Analysis

Topic: The Importance of Algorithm Analysis

Write a blog post covering one of the following subtopics:

Ensure your blog is at least 500 words and includes examples like code snippets and real-world applications.

Blog Post:

Algorithmic Analysis: Understanding Big O Notation


Have you ever wondered why some programs run faster than others? Or why one solution to a problem is more efficient than another? The answer lies in algorithmic analysis, a fundamental concept in computer science that helps us measure and compare the efficiency of different algorithms. One of the most widely used tools for this is Big O Notation, which allows us to quantify an algorithm’s performance as input size grows.

In this post, I’ll break down Big O Notation, provide real-world examples, and explain why understanding algorithm efficiency is crucial for writing better code. This discussion is based on Chapter 3: Algorithm Analysis from our coursework and incorporates key insights from the accompanying PowerPoint presentation.

What is Big O Notation?

Big O Notation is a mathematical concept used to describe an algorithm’s worst-case performance in terms of time complexity (how long it takes to run) and space complexity (how much memory it consumes). It helps computer scientists and developers understand how an algorithm scales as the input size (n) increases.

Common Big O Complexities

Here are some common time complexities and their significance:

Big O Notation Complexity Type Example Algorithm
O(1) Constant Time Hash table lookup
O(log n) Logarithmic Time Binary search
O(n) Linear Time Iterating through an array
O(n log n) Log-Linear Time Merge sort, quicksort
O(n^2) Quadratic Time Bubble sort, insertion sort
O(2^n) Exponential Time Recursive Fibonacci
O(n!) Factorial Time Traveling Salesman Problem

Why Does Big O Matter?

Big O notation helps us make data-driven decisions about which algorithm to use. If you’re working on a large dataset, an O(n log n) algorithm (like merge sort) is preferable to an O(n^2) algorithm (like bubble sort) because it scales better with increasing input sizes.

Example: Comparing Algorithms

Example 1: Linear vs. Quadratic Complexity

Consider two different approaches to checking for duplicate elements in a list:

O(n^2) - Naive Approach
# Brute force approach (Nested loop) - O(n^2)
def has_duplicates(lst):
    for i in range(len(lst)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(lst)):
            if lst[i] == lst[j]:
                return True
    return False
O(n) - Optimized Approach
# Using a set (Hash table) - O(n)
def has_duplicates_optimized(lst):
    seen = set()
    for num in lst:
        if num in seen:
            return True
    return False

Here, the first approach checks each element against every other element, resulting in O(n^2) time complexity. The second approach, using a set, reduces the complexity to O(n), making it much more efficient for large datasets.

Insights from the PowerPoint: Why Theoretical Analysis Matters

The PowerPoint on Algorithm Analysis emphasizes the importance of theoretical analysis over purely experimental studies. Key takeaways:

  • Experimental analysis requires implementation and hardware-specific benchmarking, making it inconsistent across different systems.
  • Theoretical analysis allows us to evaluate an algorithm’s performance independently of hardware by considering its asymptotic behavior.
  • The RAM Model assumes that accessing any memory cell takes constant time, making it useful for analyzing algorithms in a generalized way.

Real-World Applications of Big O

1. Search Engines

Google’s search algorithms need to be fast and scalable. They optimize for O(log n) or O(1) lookups using binary search trees and hash tables.

2. Sorting Large Data Sets

When sorting massive datasets (e.g., database records), algorithms like merge sort (O(n log n)) are preferred over bubble sort (O(n^2)).

3. Machine Learning and AI

Training deep learning models often involves O(n log n) or O(n^2) complexity due to matrix operations.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

Best Practices

  • ✔ Always consider the worst-case scenario.
  • ✔ Use hash tables or binary search trees when possible to optimize performance.
  • ✔ Prefer divide and conquer approaches (e.g., quicksort, merge sort) for sorting.
  • ✔ Profile and benchmark code to identify bottlenecks.
  • ✔ Leverage amortized analysis for understanding efficiency over multiple operations.

Common Pitfalls

  • ❌ Ignoring time complexity when writing code.
  • ❌ Using inefficient loops where hash tables or sorting algorithms could be applied.
  • ❌ Assuming that a faster processor will always compensate for a bad algorithm.
  • ❌ Confusing Big O with Big Theta (Θ) or Omega (Ω)—Big O gives an upper bound, but Θ provides a tight bound on performance.


Understanding Big O Notation is essential for any programmer who wants to write efficient and scalable code. By analyzing an algorithm’s time and space complexity, we can make informed choices about which approach to use in different scenarios. Whether you're working on search engines, sorting data, or building AI models, knowing how to optimize algorithms will save you time, money, and computing resources.

Your Turn!

What’s an example of a slow algorithm you’ve encountered? How would you optimize it? Let’s discuss in the comments!


  1. Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, C. E., Rivest, R. L., & Stein, C. (2009). Introduction to Algorithms.
  2. Goodrich, M. T., Tamassia, R., & Goldwasser, M. H. (2013). Data Structures and Algorithms in Python.
  3. Course materials from CPSC 34000, Week 3 PowerPoint: Algorithm Analysis.

(This blog post is part of my coursework for CPSC 34000: Algorithms and Data Structures.)

Week 5: Coding and Reflection — Dynamic Arrays in Python

Topic: Implementing and Reflecting on Dynamic Arrays

Your blog post should include:

Part 1: Implementing a Dynamic Array

Part 2: Reflection on Your Work

Ensure your blog is 500-800 words, includes code snippets, and is engaging.

Blog Post:

...Your Week 5 blog post content here...